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Healthy businesses need healthy owners


Don’t sacrifice your health for profits

By Graham Mitchell

Many business owners underestimate the need to remain in peak condition across all areas of their lives. A healthy person has an abundance of energy and energy is required to drive a business successfully forward. Jim Loer from the High-Performance Institute in Orlando, Florida, believes that high energy comes from being healthy in four key areas: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Physical and emotional health

For physical health, we need to exercise and eat correctly to fuel ourselves with energy and avoid disease.

For emotional health, we need to manage stress, build and maintain healthy relationships with family and friends.

We often neglect these two areas in a high-paced world. We mistakenly think that neglecting these areas occasionally won’t have a major impact, but it does.

This article by highlights 7 steps you can take to improve your physical and emotional health.

Mental health

Another key health aspect often ignored and yet vital for healthy brains, is our mental health. Dr. Daniel Amen’s New York Times best-selling book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life is a must-read to understand how to look after the most important organ in your body.

Ultimately, a healthy brain is essential to remain focused and positive to deal with the challenges that life and business throw at us.

Spiritual health

Spiritual health doesn’t mean that you must believe in a particular religion. While religion is important for many, spiritual health specifically refers to having a purpose in life that is bigger than you are. You need to have a reason for existing that drives, motivates and energises you.

It is often easier to ignore the question of ‘Why do I exist?’ or ‘What is the purpose of my life?’. Ignoring these questions means missing a chance to define the meaning of your existence and denies you a powerful source of energy.

We have seen clients who have focused on improving their mental and spiritual health, experience dramatic improvements in their work performance and overall well-being.

A good starting point would be to evaluate your health in each of these areas and take some time to improve the neglected areas. You will be surprised at the impact it will have on all areas of your life and your business.