Business Coaching in South Africa | GROW Blog

Importance of Business Coach for Your Business Growth

Written by Andrew Aitken | Apr 29, 2022 2:23:48 PM

Running your own business is not for the faint-hearted, and ensuring continuous growth is not something that just happens naturally. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s for those that are prepared to be pulled in many different directions; those that know results don’t happen overnight; those that are aware of the challenges they will face; and those that know that at some point, they may need assistance.

It’s not always easy to know if you’re headed in the right direction. It’s easy to lose focus on your role as a leader and to rather find yourself caught up in the day-to-day operations of the business.

A turning point for many business owners is knowing when to ask for help. Seeking assistance takes strength and courage, as you must surrender yourself, your business, and your team to intimate evaluation, bringing your problem areas to light.
One of the most gentle, effective, and sustainable ways to bring your business back to life and continue your journey to growth and profitability, is by hiring a professional business coach. Hiring a business coach is an investment and relationship that you can’t afford to live without. It’s a partnership; a collaboration; it is not the ‘one-hit wonder’ of improving your business. It takes time, effort, appreciation, patience and commitment from both parties.

According to Forbes, there are three major areas in which a business coach is vitally important. These include:

1. Growing and Scaling

Instead of being fixated on growing revenue at all costs, a business coach will help you focus on finding innovative ways to grow and scale your business at the same time – the two should work parallel to each other.

2. Improvement opportunities

There is an expression that states ‘many businesses die of indigestion, not starvation’. Winning at the top line revenue level without the operational strength to keep clients happy is dangerous, as there may be areas in your business that are bleeding out, affecting your overall efficiency. ‘Waste’ within a business can creep up on you and before you know it, you are faced with a giant pile of problems that are eating away at your profits. With the help of a business coach, you will be able to weed out and identify the problem areas and eradicate them.

3. Personnel challenges

Personnel challenges within a business can come in many forms; culture, communication, lack of training and development and toxic leadership, to name a few. When it comes to ‘people’ problems, it is not always as easy to determine or define them, as it hits a little closer to home. As an outsider looking in, a business coach objectively assesses these challenges, and sources the appropriate solutions to address these sensitive areas.
What are the benefits of hiring a professional business coach?

There are many ways in which you and your business can succeed with a coach at your side. The following are just a few benefits you can expect to experience along your coaching journey:

  • Establishing and taking action towards achieving your goals
  • Becoming more self-reliant
  • Increased career and personal life satisfaction
  • Fulfilling vision and goals
  • Gaining perspective
  • Establishing an outlined and clear roadmap
  • Improved performance and profitability
  • Improved leadership and accountability

Just as you are a professional in your field, a coach is a professional in theirs, meaning, that they can help you see what you cannot when it comes to improving your business. It’s important to remember that results don’t happen overnight and that you as the business owner need to fully surrender and trust in your coach to gain the tactics, skills, and insight you need to achieve professional, financial and personal growth.
Invest in yourself, your team, and your business today by taking the leap and hiring a business coach!

If you are looking to scale and grow your established business sustainably, and quickly, then contact us today and we will put you in touch with the right coach to meet your unique business needs. Let us help you achieve the next step of success by offering coaching expertise that is bound to be a game-changer.